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Our Services

January 2025 Newsletter

Welcome to the Open Road Apostolic Ministry newsletter! Here, we will be providing monthly updates on our efforts to protect life and dignity in the Appalachian region of the United States. We cover two of the most marginalized groups - the homeless and the unborn.

2025 Year To Date Numbers

 (Operation Dignity) Emergency Bags Distributed - 90
(Operation Front-Line) Emergency Relief Provided -
 (Operation Valor) Homeless Veterans Assisted - 16
(Operation Safe Haven) Homeless Abuse Victims Helped - 14
(Operation Missing Piece) Homeless Autistic People Helped - 12
(Operation Food Fight) Meals Provided to Homeless - 136
(Operation Fifty-Three) Rosaries Prayed at Clinics - 0
(Operation Shining Light) Abortions Stopped With Our Help - 0
(Operation Open Road) - Rosaries and Catholic Print Material Provided - 50

Total Homeless Helped: 127
Total Counties Serviced in 2025 to Date: 7

Some Closing Thoughts...

I would strongly encourage everyone to view the entirety of our website. It's only four different pages, but my hope is that followers of Christ will understand the scope of what we believe we are called to do. Serving a higher authority can be difficult, and the Lord's work is not easy work. He does not give us pointless tasks. There is goodness and purpose in all that God asks of us. What we do is meant to help the homeless, save the unborn, and spread the faith of the Universal Church.

We made a lot of progress in January, but we will still have a long way to go. Fortunately we have 11 months to do it, and with your support through prayers and donations, I know that we can have an amazing and positive impact on the lives of so many who just need God's love right now. Thank all of you for your support, and have a safe, happy, and blessed year!

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